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World Truth Summit

Bad thinking - illogical and anti-factual.
Worse - dangerous and deadly,
starting with political correctness.
In with good thinking - facts and logic.

I haven't written for a long time. I'm writing now to let you know about the project I'm involved in. Plus I have something for you.

Since 2006, when I first started to become aware of the threat posed by Islam, something else has also been of major concern to me. BAD THINKING.

Here's how it started. It's January 2006. I'm introducing a college ethics class. "I can't imagine a more important time than now to be exploring ethics, with all the different messages coming at us." A hand goes up. "So what," says the student, "All opinions are equal." It turns out that my students, all 43 of them, agree. According to them, there is no right or wrong. Making any judgment is unthinkable.

I had been teaching 23 years. I had never faced anything like this. I was so stunned that I detailed the experience in an article: my many arguments, and my students' unwavering conviction. The article is one of the first pieces I posted online: All Opinions Are Equal - Stupid Opinion Number One.

In a nutshell, I was up against indoctrinated bad thinking, so deeply entrenched that facts and logic couldn't make a dent. My students argued, for instance, that there was no connection between opinion and behavior. I brought up Hitler. "Don't you think his opinion of Jews affected his behavior toward Jews?" "No. Those are 2 totally different things."

Here is a short video (3 min) that starts with my experience with my ethics class, and moves to the present:

Here is a short video (3 min) that starts with my experience with my ethics class, and moves to the present:

A recent decision is to make bad thinking - anti-logical, anti-factual thinking - a major focus.

It doesn't sound dramatic. It's not like fighting ISIS or the Corona virus.

I see confronting bad thinking as at least equally important. I consider it ESSENTIAL to the destructive forces around us. Each and every one of them relies on it. In other words, BAD THINKING IS DEADLY TO US. Is it the most deadly weakness of all? I'm not sure. On the other hand, at the very least it means that if we knock out bad thinking, the forces against us are dealt a death blow.

A second recent development is coming to the conviction that we need more than awareness. We need a movement - like the anti-slavery movement, and the votes-for-women movement. A movement: people connecting, getting involved, taking action.

That brings me to 3 core questions.

Can I show that bad thinking is essential to the forces against human rights and freedoms?

What are effective strategies for confronting bad thinking?

And how do we get a movement going?

To answer these questions, I have something for you - a 3-day online challenge (no cost). An hour a day for 3 days. It's for everyone: if we're just thinking about the importance of bad thinking, if we're very concerned, or if we're already involved in trying to stop it:

The intent of the challenge is to get us together, to get us to start connecting and building a community. Plus, it's Corona virus time - time for us to connect around life-affirming activities, and perhaps even have some fun in the process.

By the way, I'm doing this challenge with Deborah Mayo, neuroscientist and neurosurgeon.

Here again is the link to the challenge:

All the best to all who care and do what we can,


April 12, 2020

PS. In case you're interested, here are links to that early article, Stupid Opinion Number One (2006):



PPS. And of course, may we all stay healthy. If needed, may we have good medical attention. Here is, by the way, the most successful treatment protocol I have come across for the Corona virus. WE ALL SHOULD KNOW THIS. This should be HEADLINE NEWS. EASY EFFECTIVE CHEAP SUCCESS AGAINST THE CORONA VIRUS. Rudy Guliani, former New York mayor, interviews the doctor who has by how treated 699 patients with ZERO deaths, ZERO intubations, and only 4 people admitted to hospital (and even these people not dangerously ill). The interview gives his COMPLETE CHEAP PROTOCOL (INCLUDED BELOW). No need for hospital stays. No need to destroy the economy. No death or longterm health damage. In other words, why shut the country down for what can be so well and effectively treated? We know why. Someone is out to hurt the West, our well-being and our freedoms.

Here's the interview, a summary, cost, plus the protocol.

SUMMARY: Dr Zelenko's cocktail of drugs. Daily dose for 5 days for people over 60 with symptoms and ALL with shortness of breath (treatment administered immediately at that stage, vs waiting for someone to get sicker).

COST per person: 20 dollars.

Hydroxychloroquin - 200 mg twice a day
Zinc - 220 mg once a day
Zithromax (antibiotic) - 500 mg once a day

On the other side is NY gov, Cuomo, who is forcing people to get to a hospital (totally unnecessary) to get the Hydroxychloroquin - which makes the virus seem more dangerous than it is, increases the risks to health care workers, and is way more costly:

And many other political people and media people doing worse - blocking completely use of the drug, suppressing information, etc.

For lots more, come explore
and now

posted April 12, 2020

Think or Sink.
Out with bad thinking,
with dangerous false teachings,
like political correctness.
In with good thinking, facts and logic.

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