There were real injustices. No votes for women. Slavery. The killing of the buffalo leading to the starvation of masses of aboriginals. The list goes on and on. It was - and is - vital to have human rights movements to stop the injustices.
The problem: at present, many of the people involved in the movements supposedly for human rights are not for equality and justice, but for instance, for BlackThugsMatter. Some so-called feminists claim that Islam is the most feminist religion, utterly against all the information readily available about Islam. And so-called feminists have included a pro-Sharia Islamic - Linda Sarsour - as an organizer of a huge march supposedly for women (the DC Women's March Against Trump, January 2017). Yet Sharia is against the equality of women. In rape, a woman's testimony is worth one-quarter of a man's.
What is going on? What has happened? What do we do?
This is the second part of a talk given in March 2017. The first part is on French immersion, yet one more example of something that was supposed to increase justice and fairness, but has failed to do so.
This part of the talk puts French immersion into the worldwide context of politically correct ideology, and of worldwide Western infiltration by both Communist and Islamic forces - as well as the context of naturally occurring release of anger.
Also addressed:
the extent to which the dominant (men, whites, heterosexuals, colonial powers) have GIVEN rights;
- the vital role of moral outrage, of moral conviction;
- and the healthy goals of human rights movements: justice and fairness.
March 18, 2017
Human Rights Movements GONE WRONG.
Rage, Political Correctness,
vs Justice, Fairness, Truth.