Always Forever
always always
you will be my lover
never never
because always
I will love you
always always
you will be my lover
never never
will bother
flirting with another
because always always
I will love you
never deceive you
never leave you
always cleave to you
because always always
you will be my lover
not sometimes
this is forever
I will never
leave you
deceive you
I will cleave to
because always always
I will love you
above all others
never could be another
never could bother
because always and forever
I could never
leave you
deceive you
I will forever
cleave to
my lover
always always
you will be my lover
not sometimes
I will love you
my forever lover
this, this is my heaven
in your arms forever
always my lover
I could never search for another
I could never flirt with another
because I so love you
and will love you
I could never betray you
'cause I so want to stay
I so want to be with you
I so love you
could never leave you
could never deceive you
will always be true
because I so
love you
always forever
I will always need you
because I need to
love you
to feel how I love you
because I love you
I will never leave you
because I feel too much love
for you
and will
always forever
always forever
October 19, 2009
The best, most romantic I Love You song.
For top 100 love songs, top 10 love songs,
great love songs that stir the heart ...
I Love You Song
always forever
this I love you
this love of my life song
will be in my heart
always forever
this I love you song
the most romantic of love songs
this we will never part song
will be in my heart
what are the best love songs?
what are the forever love songs?
they're the songs that sing
the songs in our hearts
always forever
this I love you song
will sing in my heart
is it one of the top 100 love songs
or even better, one of the top 10 love songs
it's my top top love song
my best love song
because it's from my heart
to yours
about the love feeling in my heart
August 25, 2013
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The best, most romantic I Love You song.
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great love songs that stir the heart ...